Eagle Run

By far our PTO's biggest annual fundraiser, the Eagle Run involves all staff, students, and their families. With students running or walking for pledges, teachers and family members cheering them on and local businesses and families donating money and materials, this jog-a-thon embodies our community's strength.  The day starts with students in each classroom being provided with a new Eagle Run t-shirt. During the day they take turns running as many laps as possible during their 15 minutes slot.  Parents cheer them on and help count laps.  Afterward, students celebrate and cool down with a popsicle.  The following week, prizes are given to students who have raised the most money or run the longest distance.  

The funds raised have been used to purchase - a filtered drinking fountain/water bottle filling station, subscriptions to the Scholastic News Magazine, books for the Oregon Battle of the Books competition, equipment for recess and PE, a gaga ball pit for the blacktop, and the Big Splash family fun night at the North Clackamas Aquatic Park. 

There are many ways to get involved. Would you like to -- coordinate plans with classroom teachers, line up corporate sponsors, DJ music for the runners, deliver popsicles to the kids, count laps, or total donations?  Please consider joining the project and email one of our committee chairs. 

Eagle Run Committee Chairs -  Tracey Kebede-Berhanu,  Tasha Cruz