March 2024




DATE: March 14, 2024

TIME: 6:30 pm


IN-PERSON: Tracey Kebede-Berhanu, Jeremy Black, Hilary Rogers, Sarah Baker, Jeff Green

VIRTUAL: Khristina Powell

Meeting called to order by Tracey Kebede-Berhanu at 6:36 pm.

Approval of minutes:

February 2024 meeting minutes were reviewed and approved.

Old Business:

Board Position Reports:

Committee Reports:

New Business:

Principal’s Report:

Jeff Green reported that February was a challenging month. The ice storm was pretty disruptive. The school and staff have been working with the kids to be caring and kind. There was an uptick in behaviors and there have been some discussions. He is very appreciative with the SEL program. It is about conflict resolution. Allowing kids an opportunity to partner and talk with other kids that they may not partner with. The buddy system is set up with intentionality. The teachers have done an amazing job figuring out the buddy. Discipline: there is a new system that is set-up to track what kids’ needs. It’s much better than oops tickets. The school has been working with Marie Claire, who is the district’s SEL director. She has helped with the regulation room, supporting behavior and creating community, restorative conversations and better tracking. Eagle prides turned into a transaction. Instead of eagle prides, the school is rewarding students in a different matter. Explaining to students why and how their behavior and actions helped. Hilary Rogers asked if Friday Morning Meetings would be able to meet every other Friday? Jeff Green is open to ides of staggering the meetings but needs to weigh the pros and cons. Hilary Rogers asked because in the years past, each grade would put on performance for the entire school. As a parent perspective, it was exposing children to be able to get up in front of an audience to build confidence. It was reported to Jeff Green that the performances were not liked. He is open to the idea but he wants it to be authentic. Khristina Powell asked if Mount Scott would be able to stream the FMM and if there was a way to advertise an agenda? Jeff Green reported that online streaming might be tricky as there are a few students that are not able to be filmed. He is on board for publishing the agenda. Tracey Kebede-Berhanu stated that she does miss eagle prides and smencils. 

Thank you to the parents and staff for attending. Thank you to Jeremy Black for his IT assistance.